Generic Remote Key Duplicates
You can click the photo on below and that will take you to the Autel IKEY Compatibility list.
Search your vehicle Make, Model and Year. If your vehicle is listed then you can also have a generic/duplicated smart / proximity key made for your vehicle.
No trips to a dealer or an online retailer. These keys are cheaper and work like an origional. They also can appear like the OEM or if you want a different style that can be made for your vehicle.
Hypothetical, You drop your key in a lot. Some one finds the key and it says "Honda" on it. If that person is unscrupulous, they may find you vehicle and take it, or your belongings.
Having a Key that works for your car and does not look like a OEM can be beneficial.
Legal Disclaimer
The State of New Jersey, per legislation, and states statues as depicted herein requires specific information to be relayed to you the consumer.
Torque Flight Key Programming is NOT, and does not, provide locksmith services as defined under NJSA Title 13:31A-1.2.
We provide key duplication, and do not provided services such as mechanical services ( Re-keying locks, exchanging lock cylinders ( trunk, doors, ignition) etc.
Per New Jersey State Statute we provided key duplication which is not applicable to locksmith services per NJSA 45:5A-28. In the event of issues such as vehicle battery or other electronic module issues to which would prevent the duplication of a key, those issues are vehicle specific and are outside of our control.
Prior to services a written legal disclaimer will be provided to you. Services are to be paid upon the initiation of service and the failure to complete those services due to issues outside of our control does not negate payment. ( Which means we will do our best to solve your issue and make you happy).
State statues, and information below are being provided for your reference and in relation to our legal disclaimer!